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BMX track builders

Here at Clark & Kent contractors, we are expert BMX track builders, with over 250 completed projects within the UK so far. BMX tracks are designed to be used and to be fun, made to be progressive for all ages and skills and to be inclusive. Our BMX tracks are designed to create user confidence and skills which will last them a lifetime.

BMX tracks have any different sections such as rollers, jumps and berms circuit that loops back on itself so that riders can keep going. There are many uses for BMX tracks, like skateboards, rollerblades, mountain bikes and scooters. they're perfect for beginners as they're safe to ride and fun for all ages and skill levels. they're becoming more popular in recent years due to how they will be made on a allow schools, sports centres and even BMX clubs and even for personal individuals.

Our BMX track builders make tracks that appear in people's back yards and public parks. We even make use of wastelands and build out tracks on them to form use of land that would not be used for love or money else.

BMX tracks are designed for the rider to use a “pump” motion to propel the bike forward without using the pedals. Most BMX tracks are 1 to 2 meters wide and include various hills and jumps. Our BMX track builders design tracks that contour to the land and may blend in with the landscapes to seem more aesthetically pleasing. we've different surfaces from the tarmac, block paves surfaces, limestone dust or bound tracks all with a good sort of drainage solutions.

Our build time from our BMX track builders is typically between two and five weeks counting on the sort of track layout required. All our tracks are fully compliant with health and safety standards by the Royal Society for the prevention of accidents.

If you'd like our services as BMX track builders, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a no-obligation free quote to ascertain how we will help. You can either email us or call us from our contact us page. Have a look through our website at the other services we offer to seek out the best fit for you.

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